Friday, September 18, 2020

Please support Manchester East Soccer League!

This year, instead of our typical Cash Calendar Fundraiser where we hand out books of calendars to every player to sell to family and friends, we’ve put together our first-ever completely VIRTUAL CASH CALENDAR FUNDRAISER. Friends and family can purchase cash calendars from you with Paypal or a credit card right from our website. Please take a minute to share with your family and friends by sharing our Facebook posts or by emailing this information! If we can get every player to sell just five cash calendars that would be fantastic!

  • Upon receipt of your donation, you be entered for each daily drawing.
  • Winning tickets will be reentered for additional chances.
  • Drawings will be held every day from October 1st through October 31st.
  • Tickets will be sold through September 30th, 2020.
  • All prizes will be mailed to the winners.

The link for sharing with friends and family:

Thank you for your support of our league! Every little bit really helps. From field maintenance, lights, equipment, uniform costs, player sponsorship's and so much more – we could not do it without your generous support!

Your MESL Board of Directors