Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Local Support Means the World to MESL!

Manchester East Soccer League receives a jump kick in support 

Friday, October 1, 2021

Cash Calendars Winners to be drawn....soon, but not tonight!

Good evening MESL Parents,

Tonight is the night the league was going to start drawing winners of the cash calendars; however, we have decided to extend the calendar sales through October 8th, with a final drawing on November 8th. Here's your chance to sell/purchase calendars if you haven't already!

I think it is important to make sure everyone realizes how much our league relies on fundraising and sponsors to keep our registration costs down. The league hasn't had a price increase in years, and we even decreased our prices last year during the height of COVID to assist parents that were potentially struggling. In addition to lower registration costs last year, we did not open the concession stand - it really affected how much money the league took in last season. This year we have had less than 25% participation in our fundraiser throughout the league. We always strive for 100% participation throughout the league; however, we also understand that times may still be tight for many families. 

We’d like to propose a little more time to try to sell more cash calendars. If ten is too many, maybe you could try for five? We will keep sales open until October 8th. If we can surpass at least $5500.00 in sales, the league will increase the final prize to $250. The calendar not only helps our league with its costs, but it helps to support the businesses that sponsor us throughout the season. 

Since we are keeping the sales open, I am putting out a challenge out to everyone to sell as many cash calendars as you are able. If that number is only 1 or 2 – ok! If you can sell 20 – fantastic! Every bit helps. If we can get over our minimum goal, we will increase the last prize drawn from $150 to $250!

Let's make this happen!!

Thanks for considering,

Christina Hebert

Fundraising Director MESL