Sunday, September 18, 2022

2022 MESL 3rd Annual Cash Calendar Fundraiser

Your support helps us keep our registration costs down, helps families who cannot otherwise afford to pay, maintain our fields and equipment, and so much more! Thank you!!

Upon receipt of your donation, you will be entered for each daily drawing.

Winning tickets will be reentered for additional chances.

Tickets will be sold through September 30th, 2022

Prizes will be mailed to the winners.

Drawings will be held every day from October 1st through October 31st.

Please complete ALL three sections before hitting Add to Cart:

After you complete, # of Cash Calendars, Seller/Player Name, and Division/Team - click Add to Cart. You'll be taken to PayPal, where you can submit the NAME & ADDRESS of the Cash Calendar purchaser* where we will send the prize, as well as payment through PayPal's secure server. 

You DO NOT need a PayPal account. You can pay with any credit or debit card, or if you choose, you may pay via your PayPal Account.

* Example - Grandma sends you a check for Billy's Cash Calendar and then you purchase it via PayPal for her. After you make your cart selections, you'll have the option to enter (or change) the name and address of where you want us to send the prize.

Thank you for your support of our league! We could not do it without you!!

Monday, September 12, 2022

Picture Day Schedule - 2022

8:00 AM         MESL Fields / Senior             Crown Trophy A

8:00 AM         MESL Fields / Junior 1     Crown Trophy B

8:10 AM         MESL Fields / Junior 1     Hanover St. Dental B

8:10 AM         MESL Fields / Junior 2     Hanover St Dental A

8:20 AM         MESL Fields / Senior             Metro Sports A

8:20 AM         MESL Fields / Junior 1     Metro Sports B

8:30 AM         MESL Fields / Junior 1     Merrimack St Volvo

8:30 AM         MESL Fields / Senior             Quirk

8:40 AM         MESL Fields / Senior             Charron Inc.

8:50 AM         MESL Fields / Senior             Gimas

9:10 AM         MESL Fields / Senior             National Embroidery

9:20 AM         MESL Fields / Senior             Bill Trombly

9:30 AM         MESL Fields / Senior             Visiting Angels

9:40 AM         MESL Fields / Senior             Keltim Enterprises

9:50 AM         MESL Fields / Senior             Queen City Cabinetry

10:00 AM MESL Fields / Senior             Pizza Man

10:10 AM MESL Fields / Senior             HVAC Solutions 603

10:20 AM MESL Fields / Senior             Furry Friends

10:30 AM MESL Fields / Senior C     Tech Power & Solutions

10:40 AM MESL Fields / Senior D     Alliance

11:00 AM MESL Fields / Senior E     Quirk

11:10 AM MESL Fields / Senior F     Fortified Insurance

11:30 AM MESL Fields / Junior 1     NH Blacktop/Stephen Law Group

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Games and Practices canceled for City-Wide Mosquito Spraying on all City Parks

 From Manchester Ink Link:

Mosquito control spraying set for Sept. 12 on city properties

MANCHESTER, NH  –City of Manchester Health Department announced Thursday that there will be spraying to control adult mosquitoes on Monday September 12 from 5 p.m. – 12 a.m. If weather conditions are not acceptable on September 12, 2022, spraying will take place on Wednesday, September 14, 2022, at the same time. 

According to Anna Thomas, Public Health Director, “The Manchester Health Department continues to identify mosquitoes which have tested positive for West Nile Virus (WNV). This raises the risk level to “high” as determined by the NH Department of Health and Human Services’ State Arboviral Illness Surveillance, Prevention, and Response Plan. 

Since the evening use of sports fields and some parks, when people are more apt to be bitten by mosquitoes, has increased with the commencement of the fall sports leagues, we want to be proactive in protecting the public health of the community. In addition to this action, residents must continue to protect themselves through the use of appropriate insect repellent and wearing long pants and long sleeved shirts at dawn and dusk and the elimination of mosquito breeding areas.” 

Spraying may be done in the following locations: 

  • Gossler / Parkside School
  • Parker Varney School
  • Southside Middle School
  • West Memorial Field
  • Highland Goffes Falls School
  • Green Acres / McLaughlin Schools
  • Jewett Street School
  • McDonough School
  • Hillside School
  • Memorial High School
  • Stark Park
  • Livingston Park
  • Rock Rimmon Park
  • Derryfield Park
  • Youngsville Park
  • Padden Field / Stevens Pond Park
  • Derryfield Country Club
  • Raco Theodore Park
  • Piscataqoug River Park
  • Wolf Park
  • Basquil-Sheehan Park
  • Prout Park
  • Stevens Park
  • Brown Mitchell Park
  • St. Anthony Park
  • Precourt Park
  • Goffs Falls Park
  • Gill Stadium Complex
  • Singer / Merrimack River Park
  • Clement Lemire Athletic Complex.

Dragon Mosquito Control Inc., Brentwood NH, will carry out the mosquito control program using backpack sprayers and/or a truck-mounted sprayer on City-owned property only. No city-wide road or aerial spraying is to be conducted.